Hello, I have uploaded 3 assets to the shop. I need to fix the texture of all three of them. One of them has been approved, one is rejected, and...
Is there anyone among you who has not experienced any slowdown after trying for a long time and finishing the game on a whim? If so, how does he...
Hello there, I created a Scene path. I want 10 different objects to follow this path. But even if I put the objects in different places, when I...
Hi, Unfortunately I do not have an ios account, my game is only available on google play. I hope you will review. (I cannot open an ios account...
I tried to fix the problem by centering the ship slightly above the screen. This problem is also caused by different screen sizes. The touch area...
The scoreboard problem was caused by a very simple mistake. When the player died, instead of linking to the game over event, he was directed to a...
thank you. I cannot give players an intention to play because I am having a problem with the Leaderboard. I just made the twentieth update....
I've been trying to get my players to appear on the leaderboard for a few weeks. There is no problem with game services and google cloud platform...
My first game was Last Pilot (Note: My leaderboard isn't working. I'm trying to set up Google services)...
I am waiting for your Suggestions for my game. I need this. Thank you. [MEDIA] [MEDIA]...
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