Howdy... .I skimmed this thread. Sounds like many troubles with this build. Have they been resolved? Caching of templates? Crashing on...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] We need to see runtime error messages instead of blank lines. We need to see an error message from the BB engine when it can't...
Please make runtime error messages print on Mac. For some reason I can't drop a screenshot showing the still-existing bug in this reply. I will...
Congrats on the new improvements and fixes. The API documentation is now 2 releases behind. here:...
Enjoy! What a coincidence. I was just on your website yesterday for the first time. Many good looking games. Congrats. Pod Racer 3D is a...
Thanks @Codifie :-)
I built a 3 star reward feature on the Progression game Zack built. It shows a number of specific techniques that can benefit the community. 1....
The change log shows many JSAPI updates, which is great. What's the target date to update the API document on this page:...
The BB beta 4 API document shows the following code fragment as an example: let button = this.ui().find('MyButton')[0]; button.onClick =...
looks like the beta 3 API file is at the location in the post above.
#LifeIsBeautiful Congrats to Trey, Nik and the whole team.
Yep, sort of. Here are the nodes.. (notice I added a bonus of a second color as part of the "defeat." [ATTACH] Tiny edit required... [ATTACH]...
(already sent to support ) This one is simple (to describe). Start Node Javascript code, global to entire entity. Easy reference. Kinda like...
Separate names with a comma.