i clone it mean i saw the video of the presentation , and how how he create his template , and i built the same , i don't pay 99$ for an easy...
This is not me , i just clone this app :D
Thank you much , yes i agree with bro ^^
I totally agree with you ! i said the same thing to my mind lol Thank you :)
Hello & Thank You Buildbox ! Buildbox just brought my ideas to life : ★ 7 days of learning . ★ 10 days building my first game ( Jump Dot ! ) for...
@jcalle thank you i will try to downgrade to 1.3.3 and i will see ! thank you for your suggestion .
@andre_sprs you see that's what i am talking about , but when you install Ketshapp games or Phases as an example , this game is created using...
@Metal Soul yes everything is ok ! the apk works fine on my phone , but when i try to install a second app from google play , the first one...
try to install your apk , and install another app from google play then you will get this error , please frovide me the guide link
i love buildbox but .. i have spent my money and my time using buildbox to bring my ideas to life , but every time i try to export my game to apk...
i think you can't , better to write on a transparent image on photoshop with the font you want , drag it to your menu and add a button over it ,...
:( i hope
no i am just talking about leaderboard :)
Separate names with a comma.