Bb3 Game Crashing On Ios

Discussion in 'Buildbox 3.0' started by landofgreendev, Apr 10, 2019.

  1. landofgreendev

    landofgreendev Boxer

    Nov 9, 2018
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    Hi all,

    Just a quick question regarding Xcode testing my BB3 game. I have been able to test my game on my iPhone for quite some time but recently every time I launch the game it crashes on start up.

    The Xcode error says "Message from debugger: Terminated due to memory issue".

    Is this to do with my atlases?? I have checked and I have a lot of atlases and have tried optimising and rebuilding but it still crashes when testing on my phone. I am able to run a simulation on buildbox just fine - the issue is only occurring on my device. Do I have to delete images/lower the quality of the images in my game in order for it to run smoothly and stop crashing?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated!!

    Many thanks,
    AppNasty likes this.
  2. AppNasty

    AppNasty Miniboss Boxer

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Not sure but one thing i do is when you export from Buildbox, WAIT at least 30 seconds after its done before importing. With most hard drives, even when it says its done it can still be caching files in the background. So wait 30 secs after exporting. Then import to Xcode. It may have corrupted some files if you imported too fast.
    Is that the answer for you? Not sure.
  3. landofgreendev

    landofgreendev Boxer

    Nov 9, 2018
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    Thank you!
    I managed to solve it by making smaller images which cut down the amount of atlases I had. My game runs so smoothly now!
    AppNasty likes this.

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