Stab Attack Help Please

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by patostar, Nov 21, 2018.

  1. patostar

    patostar Avid Boxer

    Jan 27, 2018
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    I made about 4 different sword attack moves, they are working, each one in a different action, I've attached a small platform inside the action animations that kill the enemy when I press sword hit (so I have 4 hit buttons on the screen) but the small platform kills the enemy before the sword reaches the enemy, it doesn't look normal, is there a way I can make the platform appears and kill the enemy after like a second and not immediately? I am stuck here, I need help please

    I followed this tutorial:
  2. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I do not think it is possible in buildbox 2, I know that it will be able to be done in Buildbox 3 but I have looked and tried myself and I have not been able to figure out a way
  3. patostar

    patostar Avid Boxer

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Thanks, I made it, but not perfect of course, I will see if I can find another solution, one question do you know when exactly the bb3 is gonna be released? I've been waiting so long.
  4. Josh (Nology Games)

    Josh (Nology Games) Avid Boxer

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Beta 4 will be released this month and BB3 should be before the end of the year
    patostar likes this.
  5. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Don't listen to Josh, he probably never used the software. :) He also thinks that BB3 is going to resolve all the problems within a couple of weeks. But in fact doesn't see that the software we are actually using to make games right now is BB2 because it's the software that is much more stable and feature rich.

    There are several potential solutions to your problem (that video you posted is by the way from me too):

    Try to use A) a death delay in the health component of your enemy or B) use an advanced move in your enemy that reacts to the 'platform' you spawn in the melee attack (make it a physics object). That might be the best solution because you can make a specific death animation for getting stabbed.

    Hope that helps.
    andre_sprs and patostar like this.
  6. andre_sprs

    andre_sprs Serious Boxer

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Why is BB3 always the given answer for issues in BB2? BB2 is the released product that we use and we need BB2 solutions to bugs or issues that we have.
    Christoph and patostar like this.
  7. patostar

    patostar Avid Boxer

    Jan 27, 2018
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    I understand that bb2 is still limited, and I am sure bb3 will not fix all the problems either, it's gonna be limited as well, I didn't know that video was posted from you, thanks a lot for your help, I like the death delay solution a lot, I never thought of it, I think it will help me, but I never used advanced move before, so I will use the death delay first and see how it goes.
    Christoph likes this.
  8. DariusGuerrero

    DariusGuerrero Avid Boxer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    This one's pretty good too. When Numi comes out you'll see a lot of melee, special attacks, and long-range attacks that are possible with BB. Even boss fights and the like.

    Christoph likes this.
  9. patostar

    patostar Avid Boxer

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Thanks, I saw the video like a week ago but it was hard to follow it, it wasn't a real tutorial he was just showing us what he did, I got lost and couldn't continue.
  10. Rodrigo Ramon

    Rodrigo Ramon Boxer

    Dec 19, 2018
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    Hey Patostar, what I did was:
    In the World UI, add an action button, called Attack, Function set to "Component Action".

    Then add Advance Mode in the character settings, add the attack animation, then go to the Animation Editor.
    add 2 platform type objects where the "sword attack" should be, and use the following properties:
    Object #1:
    Present: Platform
    Object Type: Fixed
    Opacity: 0
    Collision Type: No Collide
    Destroy Type: Destroy Enemy
    Add Spawner:
    Spawn Rate: 1
    Spawn Action: Shooting

    Object #2:
    Present: Platform
    Object Type: Fixed
    Opacity: 0
    Collision Type: No Collide
    Destroy Type: Destroy Character
    Add Spawner:
    Spawn Rate: 1
    Spawn Action: Shooting
    This one should be smaller than object number 1.

    Now the collision shape in the advance mode, needs to be for the character only, not the sword attack.

    Your character need to have health but no damage, the damage needs to be set in the object, you need to add damage in the main settings of the object, damage can be anything you want, and also you need to add health, like 99999999999999999.

    Now, back to the advance mode, you need to set the action button and the mathematical operation like this:
    Mathematical Operation: Replace
    Event: Button - Attack (this is the name of the button we set up in the World UI)
    Timeout: 0.1 - this is for the duration of the attack.

    Hope this helps.
  11. patostar

    patostar Avid Boxer

    Jan 27, 2018
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    Hello Rodrigo, thanks a lot for your support, but dude you took much time to write this post! I appreciate it, I will do exactly what you just said, honestly stopped working on that game for a while, and I will continue in like 2 or 3 days, and I will let you know if it works or not, thanks again for your support bro :)

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