No Love From Voodoo :(

Discussion in 'Buildbox General Discussion' started by VectologyGames, Sep 20, 2018.

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  1. justforward

    justforward Avid Boxer

    Jan 25, 2016
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    @TreySmith BB is a great product anyway, it has a good traction. We all still use it. Keep moving further.
  2. particles

    particles Avid Boxer

    Aug 31, 2018
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    @TreySmith I don't have much experience in BB or Unity. But as a software programmer, First of all, I am really impressed with BuildBox Team for building a game engine to build a game by drag and drop.

    Somebody complaining some bugs are not fixed yet. Some bugs or feature may look simple but fixing bugs and adding features is very hard with simple drag and drop solution. If it is a mix of drag&drop and coding then can implement faster then expected.

    In the whole conversation, I saw the publishers expecting more control over the app.
    I can assume and split these into three category
    1. Game Analytics
    2. Game Play Tunning
    3. Custom Overlay UI with Publisher's content can load at any stage of the game.

    1. Game Analytics BB2 & BB3
    Game Analytics should be handled in both BuildBox and Xcode(or AndroidStudio) level. If a publisher needed certain analytic events then game designers can be easily added by drag and drop within game editor.
    • In Game Settings need to add one more section for Analytics with existing General, Controller and Advertisement Sections.

    • In GameEditor need to add a section for Analytics with existing Contents, Control, Movements ...
    • GameEditor Analytics section should have lists
      1. World Events
      2. Point Event
      3. Progress Event
    • Game Analytics can be handled, in-game editor.

    This can be extended further. This is my point of view.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2018
  3. bmsingha

    bmsingha Serious Boxer

    Feb 17, 2016
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    @TreySmith, yes things are certainly missing and I am not sure if you remember or not but back in past 5 months ago, I mentioned in forum that we have missed a deal with a publisher where we got a huge breakthrough in terms of retention but unfortunately as it was in buildbox “Drop in nest” they dropped off the idea as wanted to port the game to unity
    But anyways, I really love BB, it has a strong potential, only stuff is that now it’s the time you guys need to take it to the next level. Otherwise thoroughly enjoy using BB. Hoping so there comes a time big UA publishers starts accepting
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2018
  4. MAC420

    MAC420 Avid Boxer

    May 2, 2018
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    Wow really?
  5. spicedbeangames

    spicedbeangames Miniboss Boxer

    Mar 31, 2016
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    With the node system, it surely should be a bit easier to make these changes now and give us the flexibility to include them in games.
  6. Codifie

    Codifie Avid Boxer

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Within the last few days I put 100% effort into BB3 beta. It has been a struggle, with very limited resources to pull from, but with saves every 10 minutes trying to defeat the crashes that seem to occur randomly for no known reason, I am able to produce. Of course this is a beta product so the struggles I am experiencing will get better as updates, documentation, and tutorial videos emerge. My point is that it is useable, requires a lot of patience right now, but I said in an earlier comment that it was not useable. I was wrong.

    I'm still struggling with some things, death animation, a death delay to prevent the Game Over screen from popping up so fast, level play, these are easy things in BB2 that are frustrating in BB3, but as I said, these things are expected in a beta. IAP is nonexistent in the beta.

    I do want to mention that BB3 runs on my powerhouse PC, but preview comes up blank, which I am sure is related to my NVIDIA video card, and runs flawlessly on my Mac.

    I honestly think that if the BB team simply sat down and assigned someone to start pumping out some documentation BB3 beta would be even more useable and successful.

    Because of no IAP, no custom startup screen, shadows are a mess, and a few other small issues you really can not release anything yet using BB3 beta. Again, not a diss, its a beta and to be honest, some of these features may actually be in the beta and I just can't figure out where. As I said, it is a bit frustrating to use currently.

    This translates to waiting. BB2 is not getting love from Publishers. We know some of the reasons why, but not all of them, obviously Trey knows much more than any of us. Buildbox is Trey's company and the path Buildbox takes will be successful regardless if they throw all efforts at BB3 or pause and fix BB2. I can see the benefits and the negatives of each decision.

    My concern is, after playing with BB3, I don't see anything drastically new other than 3D. I don't see the character progression ability, better analytic ability, Score tracking, none of these things are currently there, or again, I am just not versed enough in BB3 to find it. So this is concerning.

    If developers can not release, then they are not a developer. If Buildbox was told that they could not accept any funds for 3 to 6 months and had to wait, they would react negatively, since this is how they make a living. Telling developers to wait isn't the answer anyone wants too here when it effects their wallet.

    I feel for @TreySmith, I feel for the developers. I like what I see with BB3, and I keep playing with it, but how long a developer can wait is really the heart of this entire conversation.
  7. Christoph

    Christoph Miniboss Boxer

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I deleted my last post but wanted to recoup the essence of it:
    I really doubt that Buildbox 3 will be ready in December 2018. Sorry, but I can't believe it.

    I mean maybe we don't know about a new strategy, more developers are working on it or some kind of magic that now will be applied. But doing things fast never was the strength of Buildbox development. I said 6 months back that Buildbox 3 won't be ready in August even though Trey insisted it would. And seeing what we have now in beta 2 and the progress that has been made lets me say with a lot of confidence: Buildbox 3 won't be ready in December 2018 either!

    I officially declare here that I will eat my shoes if it is ready within 3 months. And with ready I mean not a half baked final release that in reality is still a beta version. I mean a fully working, flawless engine that doesn't suffer crashes every 5 minutes. With all the documentation and features we spoke about in this thread (and hopefully many more: hey console support, atv support, pc/mac support, animation support, sound/music support, fbx support, AR/VR support, variable based leveling system support, vector support, high resolution devices support, controller support, AI support, direct access for core export code (java and objective ) to implement all the analytics/tracking and other additional features publishers are looking for, haptic feedback support, and many many many more...)

    I am happy to hear @TreySmith that you say Buildbox 3 can do everything that you can do in Unity which means everything of the above mentioned things. But are you really saying that all this will be possible in December in Buildbox 3? I'm confused but it seems so far away from reality. It just doesn't make sense but hey, if you say that Buildbox 3 is on par with Unity 3D, then I'm very excited for December 2018.

    I actually would be happy if it is just ready for the current market and I can do the hyper casual games for mobile devices I personally want to do with all the needed features. Forget about all the extra stuff Unity can do. But what about if this roadmap doesn't come true? Is there a plan B? Or will we customers be once more the cheated ones and have to 'wait out' until everything is working?

    Buildbox 2 is the current flagship product and it will be until Buildbox 3 is ready to be fully used!!!! As a customer I really want to see that for what I'm paying for is getting the support we need. In this sense, @TreySmith, I really want to know what's the roadmap for Buildbox 2 until Buildbox 3 is ready. Be it December as you say or be it summer 2019 as I believe is more realistic. I absolutely CAN NOT make any use of you saying: Buildbox 3 will resolve all my current issues because until it's not ready it won't do a thing for me.

    But once again it seems you are avoiding the real question just giving more promises that (in my opinion) you can not make come true.

    I really hope that in December Buildbox 3 is ready as you say. I really hope that I'm mistaken and that in December I can apologize for my rage here. I really do. Because you know what? I couldn't take it to be cheated one more time.

    And you know what? It would be no problem at all if you just said: hey, this is Buildbox 2 and this is it. Take it or leave it. I would be good with that. And it would be no problem at all if you just said: hey, this is Buildbox 3 and it will be out with this and that feature in December. Take it or leave it. I would be good with that too. But as a honest person, I really don't understand the false advertising and promises. I mean I never saw a company advertise a beta product to trick in new customers while not taking care of their old customers. But I guess there is a first time for everything.
  8. comicsmathias

    comicsmathias Avid Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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    If you can update BB2 so it's optimized for the newer high resolution devices, that would be great. Also, bug fixes.

    I guess the publishers can shine light on what is needed for them to be able to publish BB2 games.
    swiftcurrent likes this.
  9. micdune

    micdune Boxer

    Dec 27, 2016
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    We have to be realistic, there's no way Buildbox can be on Unity level by December. Hopefully it will be in a more stable state than today but i doubt it will include all the features we would need (here's hoping to be proven wrong).
  10. cptcanuck

    cptcanuck Boxer

    Sep 13, 2018
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    Dumb question and don't mean to derail the topic but being new to all I NEED to have a publisher for my games? I'm guessing there is a higher likelihood of getting your app more downloads but I just enjoy the making of these games and hoping to get them to the Play Store. While I do want to make a living at this as well but I am at a different level than you guys here obviously but BB is still great in that sense no? You can still succeed without a Publisher? :confused:
    bmsingha likes this.
  11. thatguyminib

    thatguyminib Serious Boxer

    Jul 1, 2017
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    You sure can but it is super hard too, because not only do you have to make a great game but you have to worry about the marketing side of things as well which is a whole lot of work.
    Christoph likes this.
  12. Hue Buildbox

    Hue Buildbox Administrator Staff Member

    May 11, 2017
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    If you're good with social media you can make it happen!
  13. 5petersonzachary

    5petersonzachary Serious Boxer

    Jan 23, 2016
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    Come on, guys. Buildbox is doing amazing things and is helping all of us. Without buildbox, I wouldn't have a game on the app store. And nobody's perfect, mistakes are made and dates may be off, but build box is doing everything they can and I appreciate them very much for it. Thanks @Buildbox
    bmsingha and spicedbeangames like this.
  14. Hue Buildbox

    Hue Buildbox Administrator Staff Member

    May 11, 2017
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    Well said! And I agree!
    5petersonzachary likes this.
  15. thatguyminib

    thatguyminib Serious Boxer

    Jul 1, 2017
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    Hey, it's all just friendly feedback. I am sure we all want @Buildbox to succeed and for it to be the main software we use for making games.
  16. Fernandooo69

    Fernandooo69 Boxer

    Aug 22, 2017
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    I have a game I made using BB2.3.6 that I want to test and 2 game ideas for BB 3D (that I believe are killer and very on topic with the currents top games out there right now) and I'm also part of the voodoo prototype dashboard but the problem is I don't know how to test my game with them since there's all these things they want implemented that apparently can't be done :/

    If there's someone out there who knows how/ what steps i need to do to be bale to test my game with voodoo and hopefully publish it if it does well enough then please help me out here! I have emailed voodoo previously but my emails just seem to get ignored (probably because i mention buildbox). I have seen youtube videos and websites (LINKED BELOW) that explain how to hook up your buildbox game to Game Analytics and Facebook SDK but i don't know if that's correct/ exactly what voodoo wants or if it wants something slightly different or maybe even more?
    I would like Buildbox to make tutorials on how to do these things (since most people who use buildbox like me don't know how to code) on BB 2.3.X AND BB 3D and post them on Youtube to make our lives easier and for us to actually be able to get big publishing deals.

    If someone knows how to do this or even if they know what the current situation is could you please reply to this post to help me out?
    Thanks everyone!
  17. AndyG

    AndyG Miniboss Boxer

    Sep 25, 2015
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  18. Fernandooo69

    Fernandooo69 Boxer

    Aug 22, 2017
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    No sorry i don't think you understand, I'm already a developer in their prototype dashboard and i'm allowed to test my game. I just don't understand how to do that with buildbox and apparently they don't publish buildbox games so i was just trying to see if anyone knew anything else.
  19. spicedbeangames

    spicedbeangames Miniboss Boxer

    Mar 31, 2016
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    They will probably take it as a prototype and if it has roaring metrics will port it to Unity. Or they make ask you to port it to unity
  20. adrogdesigns

    adrogdesigns Avid Boxer

    Dec 5, 2016
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    Your whole question is really confusing.
    Your on the voodoo prototype dashboard?
    You want to know how to ad the SDK's?
    the videos are easy to follow, step by step for the game analytics and facebook SDK.
    Then you said you don't even know if thats what voodoo want? Or what else they want.
    Then you say your allowed to test your game with voodoo.
    From experience, if they want to test your game, then they tell you exactly what they want, and what they need added to your game for testing.
    So im lost on what you want to now.
    if its adding those two sdk's from the videos, then follow them its quite easy, just go slow and step by step.
    They are pretty much the best videos explaining how to do it.
    If you need to know what else voodoo want added, they will tell you.
    If there not replying to your emails then I guess they don't want to test it.
    If you want to use Buildbox and get publisher deals there are other publisher options,
    Or wait till BB3 is released sometime in the future.
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