Gravity Run - Flip Up Side Down!

Discussion in 'How Can I...?' started by volcank, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Hi I am trying to add a feature to my platformer just like Gravity Runner. Only in certain Scenes it will activate and change the Gravity then switch to regular Gameplay.

    I did the setting added and action sprite which changes the Gravity reverse and also makes the Jumping -60 something so Player Jumps reverse. But the Sprite is not flipped upside down so the player's head is still upwards and touching the ceiling while running at top. Is there a way I can change the image rotation 180 degrees and then back to normal?? Maybe with PAth option used with action sprite.
    I also can not do this option by adding a reversed Sprite image cause I have other unlockable characters in my game. So the sprite for my player1 in Action animation would show up in Player2 and 3.

    Thank You
  2. johnnyholiday

    johnnyholiday Boxer

    Dec 6, 2016
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    I have the same
  3. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Yeah so weird! Why there is not a solution for this. Why change gravity of my platform character if I can not make him flip reverse. I also don't understand why transform tools do not work on the main players. We could have done more with that in our inventory. A simple scale -1 in Y would solve this solution I think. I hope these are all added in Buildbox 3.0.
  4. meremy

    meremy Avid Boxer

    Aug 26, 2016
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    Because some use minimalist graphics and the character is a circle or a square and the player won't know the difference
  5. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Yes I know that but that shouldn't be an excuse for buildbox since not too many people would like to create minimalist games where most games made with buildbox would start to look same visually. And for sure I would like my character flip upside down when making a gravity runner kind of game with a character people.can relate to not a simple sphere. I totally understand game mechanics is more important than garphics but i believe game graphics and also music is equally important as well
    People are emotional and when they see a character like ninja or a kitten etc. especially kids they want to play that character and see what it could do during gameplay. and even so there have been games likes these for many years where character is flipping when gravity is shifted. I am sure there must be a way to do that.
  6. meremy

    meremy Avid Boxer

    Aug 26, 2016
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    Off the top of my head i would say you can do that if the character is linked to an object and while mid aid the object meets a transform that rotates it 180 degrees. But might not work
  7. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Yes thank you I thought about it but seems might not work but still will give it a go. Only if those transform tool in logic worked for characters as well. for example.path tool works both for characters and objects but not transform tool. really no idea why. i even tried path logic so i couls draw a path like a round and also click on rotate objectvso character would rotate with path but that is a tricky way to do can mess up characters orientation during gameplay. o managed to rotate it but very hard to adjust.
  8. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Anyways I am taking Gravity Shift out of my game for the time being. will work around things.
  9. johnnyholiday

    johnnyholiday Boxer

    Dec 6, 2016
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    Yeah, For some reason I got the same, then I copied the character sprite and flipped it vertically, saved as new image and dropped it the correct animation box in the advanced move section, but now when I click in Gravity Runner mode the character is flipping correctly but the game is not moving???
    volcank likes this.
  10. volcank

    volcank Serious Boxer

    Oct 8, 2015
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    Weird I
    Weird I already gave up and working things around won't bother my mind with it. Hoping they will fix this in the new update. Btw if you have only one character not multiple characters try importing that flipped image into the action animation and select replace not overlay. I am sure that should work. With my game I have multiple characters so that won't work.

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