Particle System Buildbox 3 - Community Help Needed

Discussion in 'Promotional' started by Vlad-NY, Mar 5, 2023.

  1. Vlad-NY

    Vlad-NY Serious Boxer

    Jul 21, 2018
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    It all started with this quote:

    Demo / preview?


    I've seen this way too much in the past years so... without further ado... The particle System node for Buildbox 3 is here.

    This node allows you to make 2D and some 3D, particle systems using the well-known attributes list of BB2 with some improvements

    What do you get?
    A new BBnode with a lot of options will allow you to create different types of particle effects. This is limited by your imagination :)

    How does it work?
    The system makes objects with Animation node inside that's controlled dynamically based on the player's setup.

    The position of the initial Transofm (aka particle system). The right side values are variance values that will apply + & - to the set value (values on the left)

    The rotation of the initial Transofm (aka particle system).

    Emitter Visible
    Flag that marks if the initial Transofm (aka particle system) is visible or not.

    The scale of the initial Transofm (aka particle system). This can be used to set or modify the initial scale of the particles that are spawned

    Empty Asset that has or does not have a Animation node inside that's used as "host" to move the particle

    Override Texture
    Flag that's used to override the actual texture of the asset. This us useful to spawn explosions or other sequenced particles

    Animation image/sequence of images that are used on every single particle that the particle system spawns.

    Face Camera
    Flag that's used to make the particle to always face the camera.

    Flag that's used to loop the animation sequence on every cycle, this works in combination with the Override Texture flag.

    Particle Position
    The position of the particle that will be spawned for x y & z. Note that the leftmost inputs are variance inputs and they are used to spawn in +/- 10 spawn range.

    Total Particles
    The total amount of particles that the particle system will spawn.

    Note: Depending on the spawn rate aka Particles / frame this number will be spawned at once or over time.

    Particles / Frame
    The number of particles that will be spawned per frame / every second.

    Note: For radial spawns like nova-like effects or blood this has to be greater than Total Particle attribute.

    Start Size
    The start size of each particle that's spawned. The right side value is the variance that will apply + & - to the set value (value on the left)

    Note: In the above example the particles can have between 15 and 45 sizes and they are random on each spawning cycle.

    End Size
    The end size of each particle that's spawned. The right side value is the variance that will apply + & - to the set value (value on the left)

    Note: Based on Start size, the particle will go from Start Size -> End Size over it's Life cycle (Life attribute) this is a linear transition that happens each Spawning cycle.

    Start Spin
    The initial angle that the particle has on spawn. The right side value is the variance that will apply + & - to the set value (value on the left)

    End Spin
    The end angle that the particle has on the end of the spawn cycle. The right side value is the variance that will apply + & - to the set value (value on the left)

    Note: Same as Size attributes the end spin attributes help the particles to spin a specific amount of angles over the life span (Life Attribute)

    The gravity attribute is used to apply gravity on each particle over time. This can go up (if the value is greater than 0) or down (if is less than zero).

    Radial Acceleration
    Radial acceleration
    is how much acceleration away from the point of emission is given to the particle.

    The initial speed that the particle has on spawn. The right side value is the variance that will apply + & - to the set value (value on the left)

    The initial angle arch/direction of travel that the particles will be spawned and move at. The right side value is the variance that will apply + & - to the set value (value on the left)

    Note: Setting its variance to 460 means that the particles can be spawned and move in 360 degrees angles.

    Life is the life span of the particle before the end of the cycle. Cycle = a sequence of effects applied to the particle before it resets to its initial spawned position. The right side value is the variance that will apply + & - to the set value (value on the left)

    Start Color
    The color that the particle has on spawn.

    End Color
    The end color that the particle has before it resets. As mentioned before the script will transition between Start & End colors over the particle's lifetime.

    Position Type
    Position type of the particles that can be:
    • Grouped: - Particles move with the initial transform in a group (good for portal effects or rain/snowfall)
    • Relative - Particles move independently based on the transform's position (good for rocket thruster, or movement dust particles on a platformer game)
    Random Color
    Random Color that's applied in a different type of cases:

    • None: No random color will be applied
    • On Start: A random color will be applied at the start of each particle cycle
    • On End: A random color will be applied at the end of each particle cycle
    • Start & End: A random color will be applied on the start and end of each particle cycle
    Note: This will override the Start Color / End Color attributes but not the alpha, so if you want to have transparent colors you can set the alpha to 50% and apply random colors having a blend effect on your particle system

    Before you download:
    Currently, the particle system is free with all its features but I need your help... I plan to buy an iPad in order to fix the massive issue that ios export has both on Classic and Buildbox 3 so please consider donating to help me, help you :)

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2023
    TheGameAppStudio likes this.
  2. Playkit

    Playkit Boxer

    Jan 21, 2020
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    Hi Vlad,
    I have tried to send you a bbdoc but the mail keeps bouncing back.
  3. Vlad-NY

    Vlad-NY Serious Boxer

    Jul 21, 2018
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    Try it now, it should work if not please send me the details using the DM of this forum or discord
  4. My Huynh

    My Huynh Boxer

    Dec 29, 2018
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    Hello, would you please give me some tips or hints on how to create flag effect in Buildbox 3. I am creating 2D game using Buildbox 3 but I can't figure out how to do it. Thank you.
  5. Vlad-NY

    Vlad-NY Serious Boxer

    Jul 21, 2018
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    currently I was unable to create the flag effect in BB3 or BB4 so I can't help you, at least for now

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